5 Mental Strategies Of A Pregame Routine

In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about 5 mental strategies of a pregame routine. Visit Peaksports.com and click on contact us to submit your question for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast.

Do you have a pregame routine that helps you get mentally prepared for competition?

In this video you’re going to learn about what important mental strategies or skills you need to integrate into your pre-competition or pregame routine.

I’m going to preview one of my CD and workbook programs called The Relaxed Athlete, which teaches you all the ins and outs about a good pregame routine from the mental game side.

Here’s the question Dr. Patrick Cohn answers this week:

How can you help your athletes have a pregame routine before games and competitions?

Watch the video below to hear what Dr. Cohn has to say about 5 mental strategies of a pregame routine. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be updated on all our latest videos!

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If you want more information about mental training programs or products to improve your mental game, please visit Peak Performance Sports’ sports psychology coaching programs.

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