Case Studies In Sports Psychology

How to Visualize Your Upcoming Performance

How To Have Effortless Speed in Races

New this week, I’m introducing a video series called “Mindset for Sports: Case Studies in Sports Psychology.”

In this sports psychology case study series, you’ll learn about the challenges and mental training solutions of real life athletes I’ve worked with to improve their mental game (the names have been changed for privacy).

In my first case study, you’ll learn about a club swimmer named John. John is a 15-year-old who wants to qualify for a national championship.

John’s biggest challenge was not performing in meets as well as he was capable of in practice. In other words, his race times were slower than his practice times.

As a matter of fact, this is the number one reason why athletes engage in mental coaching or get our CD programs–when they under perform in competition compared to practice.

In this case study video, you’ll learn why effortless speed is so important for swimmers, runners, rowers, triathletes, or any sport that requires speed.

Watch the video below to hear what Dr. Cohn has to say about Having Effortless Speed in Races. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be updated on all our latest videos!

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After you watch the video, please comment below. I’m particularly interested in your feedback about this approach to helping you improve your mental game.

If you’re interested in learning more how personal mental coaching can improve your mindset for sports contact us today!

Read more about my personal mental coaching programs by clicking the link below:

Sports Psychology Coaching for Athletes

The Fearless Athlete is 14-day step-by-step easy-to-apply mental training program designed to help you overcome the mental barriers of perfectionism, fear of failure, and learn to perform with unbeatable trust. You learn how to overcome performance anxiety, trust your practice and perform freely in competition. This program consists of 2 audio CD’s and a workbook you use for just 15 minutes a day! Each copy comes with two premium bonuses that you can download immediately!

Read More at Peak Performance Sports…

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