Emotional Control on The Tennis Court

Controlling Emotions in Tennis

In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from a young elite tennis player who loses emotional control on the tennis court after making mistakes.

Here’s the topic Dr. Patrick Cohn discusses this week:

How can you help tennis players let go of bad shots in comeptition?

First, you need to identify what the cause of frustration is.

Hitting a bad shot is not frustrating in and of itself. You’re reaction to bad shots makes them frustrating.

Think of the mistake as the trigger… Your reaction to the trigger as the source of your frustration.

 What is creating the frustration?

Watch the video to see what mental game tips Dr. Cohn gives to help tennis players improve their mental game.

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What are our students saying?

“I have really enjoyed listening to your tennis psychology podcasts on iTunes and reading your E-books. I already have improved in my mental game. I played in a tennis tournament this past weekend and played with the amount of confidence I should have in myself. If I lost a point or made a stupid error, I knew how to deal with it and move on to the next point. I didn’t get frustrated.”
~Melanie Lewis, Junior Tennis Player

“Thank you for all the knowledge, tools, material, and guidance you have given me throughout this course. It was truly a great experience. I am looking forward to integrating this mental training system not only to students at the club, but as well bring this wonderful education outside to athletes that truly are committed, and strive towards reaching their peak performance.”
~Tim Whitehead, Head Tennis Professional, MGCP

“Maggie had such a great weekend. As always, after she works with you she just seems more grounded and focused. She’s less likely to look around and get distracted during her match. She’s more focused on one point at a time. Also, as a parent, I’ve learned to encourage her process goals and not outcomes. Consequently, she played well and won her first doubles match, upsetting a seeded team in a really really close match!”
~Katherine Johnson Cannata, Maggie’s mother

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