Can Sports Psychology Books Help Athletes?

The Confident Athlete CDImproving the mental game with sports psychology books or CDs for some athletes is a simple and effective option. We receive lots of positive comments from athletes who have used our workbook programs.

For other athletes, reading sports psychology books may not be the best option. Instead, a better options may be working with a trained sports psychology expert. I’ve had some athletes come work with me after reading several sports psychology books, but these did not help them solve a problem.

For example, one on my students, John, for example, was not focusing on the important cues prior to a race; he felt distracted during starts. John was a motocross racer. We talked about what’s really important to think about or feel on the start line and what’s really not important for success. His goal was to immerse himself into what helps him execute a good start.

Easy enough, right? Yes, this was the easy part. But as John and I talked more about his performance, his mental game roadblocks became a little complicated that what was first evident, ones that a sports psychology book might not cover or help him with.

John came to me to improve his focus on the start line. True. We can easily make this adjustment in his focus with minimal work. That’s the easy part and the lesson I teach in The Focused Athlete CD program.

However, bigger mental game challenges were masked by his lack of focus on the start line. (This is where a trained expert in sports psychology can really help you identify the core issues that hold you back, which you will not read about in a sports psychology book).

His real mental game challenge was not a lack of focus. Rather, the real challenge from fear of disappointing his team if he lost a race. He wanted the approval of his team members – the people that worked so hard to help him succeed. This was a real source of pressure and anxiety on the start line that actually CAUSED of his lack of focus.

Most athletes come to me because they have a specific problem to solve – like John – They want to improve focus or confidence or cope better with nerves. In many cases, it’s not that simple…

The Composed AthleteYou can read mental toughness articles, grab all my Confident Athlete CD programs, and pick up the latest sports psychology book to get a head start on your mental training. You can get a lot from sport psychology publications for sure or I would not sell these on

However, this might not solve some of the “core issues” that hold you back from success. The fastest and most efficient way to identify and overcome the underlying mental barriers that hold you back is to engage in personal sports psychology coaching.

You want a trained expert in sports psychology or mental training to help you identify your REAL mental barriers. Not the apparent mental distractions you might notice, but the hidden mental game challenges that also hold you back.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of working with a trained expert in mental coaching, please check out personal sports psychology coaching programs at Peak Performance Sports.

Boost Your Self-Confidence And Focus With Expert Mental Game Coaching!

Master mental game coach Dr. Patrick Cohn can help you overcome your mental game issues with personal coaching.

You can work with Dr. Patrick Cohn himself in Orlando, Florida or via Skype, FaceTime, or telephone. Call us toll free at 888-742-7225 or contact us for more information about the different coaching programs we offer!

What are our mental coaching students saying?

“The books/CD’s in ‘The Confident Athlete’ are very good. My swimmer has responded very favorably to them.  In fact, her father purchased all three programs. You have done a great job consolidating and simplifying the myriad of ideas in sports psychology.”
~Nick Baker, Peak Performance Swim Camp

“Dr. Cohn, we had a great season. We finished second in the State Tournament. We scored 163 points, which is 11 more than we scored the year we won the state tournament. We had three individual state champs. We really improved our mental preparation in the post season. The kids bought in and really worked at it. We will definitely need you again next year. Hopefully, you can help us reach our goals next year.”
~Coach Jim Bird, Head Coach Osceola High School

“My son Jake has struggled with composure for as long as I can remember. He is doing the Composed Athlete program and is about half way through. He had the biggest, most stressful wrestling tournament of his season this past weekend. I have never seen him demonstrate such composure and sportsmanship -ever. I was so happy I was fighting back tears. It’s been a long and frustrating road. I am so thankful for your program.”
~Laura Grogan

“Patrick, with your great instruction on the mental game, I had the best nationals I have ever had. And even more important, I got through the five days relaxed and had fun – a new concept in my life! The bottom line – I got five firsts and one second! Thank! You are just what I needed.”
~Dennis O’Brien, swimmer & member

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