Developing Your Swing Routine in Golf

What Causes Golfers to Freeze Over The Ball?

In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Alex who can’t get comfortable when standing over the ball.

Do you tend to stand over the ball on the golf course and just never feel comfortable enough to pull the trigger?

What causes golfers to freeze over the ball?

This week, Dr. Cohn answers:

A question from a golfer who tends to get a little trapped over the ball and has trouble starting the swing.

Alex wrote in and said:

“I’m a 16 year old; I play a lot of competitive golf and currently struggling to hit the ball. I look at the target 7 to 8 times on average when I’m standing over the ball and cant get myself comfortable. How can I get beyond this challenge?”

This tells you that he really doesn’t have a well defined routine.

What are the breakdowns in your routine and what can be causing that?

Watch the video below to learn what mental game tips Dr. Cohn gives to become comfortable with your golf swing:

YouTube video

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Boost Your Self-Confidence And Focus With Expert Mental Game Coaching!

Master mental game coach Dr. Patrick Cohn can help you overcome your mental game issues with personal coaching.

You can work with Dr. Patrick Cohn himself in Orlando, Florida or via Skype, FaceTime, or telephone. Call us toll free at 888-742-7225 or contact us for more information about the different coaching programs we offer!

What are our mental coaching students saying?

“Thanks for all your help Dr. Cohn. You can rest assured that all our work came in very handy when I successfully qualified for the European Tour. I’m very happy and extremely thankful to you for helping me achieve this massive goal of qualifying for the European Tour! Thanks a lot again.”
~Alex Rocha, European Tour Player

“To play well, you have to believe you can play well. Confidence goes a long way in golf. Dr. Cohn has developed a great system that helped me improve confidence and my overall mental approach to golf.”
~Brian Watts, 11-time Winner on the PGA Japan Tour

“The mental side is everything in golf—the ability to see your shot or line and trust that you can hit that shot or putt. Dr. Cohn has helped me trust my game and putting stroke.”
~Frank Lickliter, PGA Tour, Nike Tour Winner

“To win at any level, you have to train both your mind and body. Dr. Cohn does an excellent job of teaching you how to develop confidence and touch around the greens, both of which are vital to any player’s success. Dr. Cohn has taught me excellent practice drills for putting that have helped me become a better putter.”
~J.L. Lewis, PGA Tour winner



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