Sports Psychology for Coaches

Sports Psychology

Coaches: Teach Sports Psychology to Your Athletes

As a sports coach, you spend most of your practice time working on refining the physical skills of your athletes so they can perform well in competition.

You want to lead them to victory. However, talent and hard work during practice alone may not be enough to win today.

Give your athletes the mental advantage with sports psychology coaching so your athletes can make the most of their hard work and talent!

What’s the number one challenge that prevents your athletes from succeeding in competition?

Here’s a hint: It’s not your skills as coach. It’s not your commitment to help your athletes improve. After doing sports psychology coaching work with athletes for 25 years as a mental coach, I know that your athletes’ inability to use apply sports psychology techniques in competition is the biggest challenge.

Your success depends on how well you can integrate mental training into practice.

As a sports coach, what mental game strategies can you teach your athletes?

Here’s a list of the top sports psychology topics you can teach your athletes.

These are the same mental skills we teach our athletes using our unique workbook program for athletes titled, The Athlete’s Mental Edge system:

  1. Mental Game Strategies for Overcoming High Expectations
  2. Mental Game Strategies for Optimal Concentration
  3. Mental Game Strategies for Superior Confidence
  4. Mental Game Strategies for Improving Trust In Your Skills
  5. Mental Game Strategies for Coping With Mistakes
  6. Mental Game Strategies for Coping With Perfectionism
  7. Mental Game Strategies for Overcoming The Need For Approval
  8. Mental Game Strategies for Self-Acceptance in Sports
  9. Mental Game Strategies for Consistent Performance
  10. Mental Game Strategies for Pregame Preparation
  11. Mental Game Strategies for Performing Beyond Comfort Zones
  12. Mental Game Strategies for Coping with Pregame Jitters
  13. Mental Game Strategies for Smart Goal Setting
  14. Mental Game Strategies for Coping with Fear of Failure
  15. Mental Game Strategies for Efficient Practice and Training

Do you need a Ph.D. or a certification in sports psychology to help improve your athletes’ mental toughness? No, but you have to have the commitment to doing mental training with your athletes.

It’s refreshing when I see coaches who implement sports psychology into their regular practice session.

For example, I did a mental training program with a local high school wrestling team in central Florida. I discovered that the coaches were already doing mental training with their athletes for several years.

They were looking for a different approach to sports psychology training and asked me to speak to the team. The athletes were super open and receptive to mental training.


The coach instilled the importance of sports psychology in his athletes. All the athletes participated in mental training. Did the coaches have a Ph.D. or masters in sports psychology? No, they were regular high school coaches that understood the value of mental toughness in their athletes. As a coach, if your think sports psychology is important, so will your athletes.

For more information on sports psychology for coaches, please visit or mental training programs for teams.

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Free Mental Toughness Reports

Get instant access to a mental game report to improve your mental toughness. Are you making one or more of these “deadly” mental game mistakes prior to competition? You can improve your mental game with one of our free sports-specific reports below.

with our free mental toughness reports, you’ll:

  • Discover if you have positive or negative pregame jitters.
  • Identify your pre-competition mental game mistakes.
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Learn how mental game strategies can boost your mental toughness in sports with Dr. Cohn’s free mental game reports!

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